As the trend towards meatless alternative lifestyles continues unabated, the quality of the products offered in this context is essential for its sustainable development. The production of alternative foods without animal ingredients, which come as close as possible to the original, continues to be a major challenge in terms of food technology. The Society of German Food Technologists (GDL e.V.) therefore organised on 2nd and 3rd of September 2020, the symposium “Vegetarian and vegan foods – a technological challenge ?!” in Bremerhaven (Germany).
The program of the symposium included sixteen contributions on raw materials, ingredients and additives as well as on technical / technological sub-steps in the production of vegetarian / vegan foods. NextGenProteins was presented as potential alternative protein source. [see presentation in German language]
The aim of the event was to bring scientists and producers together for an exchange of ideas in order to master the technological hurdles of the production of vegetarian / vegan food in the interests of consumers. Around 100 attendees contributed to the discussion.